a pimple at the extremity of the nose 意味

  • 鼻先の吹き出物


        pimple at the extremity of the nose:    鼻先{はなさき}の吹き出物
        pimple on one's nose:    鼻の上の吹き出物
        pimple:     pimple n. にきび, 吹き出物. 【動詞+】 Greasy foods cause pimples. 脂っこい食べ物ににきびができる develop a pimple にきびが 1 つできる She's got pimples all over her face. 顔一面ににきびができている While all my friends
        at the extremity of:    端に
        extremity:     extremity n. 《文語》 極端; 《文語》 窮地; 《文語》 窮余の策; 《文語》 四肢, 手足. 【動詞+】 keep one's extremities warm 手足を暖かくしておく warm one's extremities 手足を暖める. 【形容詞 名詞+】 be in dire extremities 悲惨な窮境にある
        extremity of:    極度{きょくど}の~
        the extremity:    the extremity 果て はて
        develop a pimple:    にきびが一つできる
        pimple copper:    《冶金》ピンプル銅
        pimple mite:    ニキビダニ
        pimple mound:    ピンプル?マウンド
        pimple plain:    pimple plain ピンプル平原[地球]
        pimple pole:    にきび面の若者{わかもの}
        squeeze a pimple:    にきびをつぶす
        by a nose:    ごくわずかの差で、すれすれで、小差で◆【直訳】(競走馬のゴールインが)鼻の差で The school team won the relay race by a nose. その学校のチームはリレー競争で辛うじて勝った。


  1. "a pilot study" 意味
  2. "a pilot test" 意味
  3. "a pilot whale" 意味
  4. "a pimp lives on his women" 意味
  5. "a pimp usually has several prostitutes" 意味
  6. "a pimply adolescent lounged in the doorway" 意味
  7. "a pimply-faced adolescent boy" 意味
  8. "a pin in the map marked the spot" 意味
  9. "a pin ran into his finger" 意味
  10. "a pimp lives on his women" 意味
  11. "a pimp usually has several prostitutes" 意味
  12. "a pimply adolescent lounged in the doorway" 意味
  13. "a pimply-faced adolescent boy" 意味

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